Smart packing solutions by Greefa

Smart packing solutions by Greefa

Smart packing solutions by Greefa. Now that it is increasingly difficult, partly due to Covid, to find staff for picking and packaging fruit, fruit growers and packing stations are looking for other ways to get their fresh fruit into the shops. Robotization and automation are becoming more and more important.
Our customer Mansfields (UK) recently started using a SmartPackr for automatically packing trays with apples. The SmartPackr contains a few ingenious gadgets to keep production at a good capacity and can save up to 4 FTE in labor.
Interested how it works?



From CIAGRI we offer assistance in the design of your new sorting line. As well as technical service 365 days a year. For us, maintaining customer confidence is the most important thing.


Ciagri - Greefa

CIAGRI Smart packing solutions

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